Surveon Marketing Resources
Surveon is committed to helping partners increase sales. We have a variety of product resources to assist partners to develop more sales opportunities. Leverage these resources available below to easily create your own marketing campaign.
Military: World Leading SI
Casino: Phoenix Casino, Vietnam
Banking: Bank, Bangladesh
Banking: Agribank, Vietnam
Gorvernment: Customs Building, Bolivia
Gorvernment: Gürbulak Border Checkpoint, Turkey
Gorvernment: Post Office, Cairo
Airport: Airport Administration Bureau
City: Sükhbaatar, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
City: New Taipei City, Taiwan
City: Southern Taiwan City
Education: Kainan University, Taiwan
Healthcare: City Hospital, Macedonia
Healthcare: Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan
Healthcare: Neuron Biohub, Malaysia
Industrial: Water Treatment Plant, Malaysia
Industrial: OMNILIFE, Colombia
Industrial: Electro-Motive Diesel, Brazil
Industrial: Factory, Kuwait City
Logistics: ILS, Poland
Commercial: KL Tower, Malaysia
Commercial: Airline Catering Service Provider, Hong Kong
Commercial: Internet Service Provider (ISP), Taiwan
Commercial: Historic Buildings, Poland
Retail: Multinational Hypermarkets, South America
Retail: House Green Retail Chain, Taiwan
Retail: Coseimpa, Venezuela