About Surveon Technology



  1. 收銀台是一個餐廳老闆應持續把焦點集中的地方,以避免內部偷竊或交易錯誤發生。
  2. 如果例行性的財務結算時發現嚴重的問題錯誤,所錄製的影像可以幫助了解收銀台所發生的事情以釐清問題所在。
  3. 除了可從錄製的影像中找出嫌疑犯,於餐廳中安裝監控,還可以阻止內部的偷竊,因為清楚的錄製影像,可幫助確定誰可能是嫌疑犯。



安業科技 SMR系列解決方案


  1. The SMR Series works as a standalone NVR server, so users can easily start local monitoring by connecting a monitor to the system.
  2. All cameras installed in any entrance or critical points can be centrally monitored by the SMR Series.
  3. The SMR Series is fully burn-in-tested and uses preloaded Surveon Enterprise VMS to eliminate compatibility issues while reducing maintenance overheads. It is out of question that the SMR Series is the most reliable and cost-effective solution for small to medium sized surveillance needs.

